Annual Meeting Feb. 16th After Worship
Annual Meeting Feb. 16th After Worship
Pastor Bruce - Welcome Video
Some things that you need to know:
1. You are invited to gather for worship on Sunday mornings beginning at 10:30 am for a cup of coffee
and a conversation.
2. Our worship service is projected on the wall. We do not have a printed bulletin. Announcements, the prayers, the hymns, the scripture readings are all shared in a power point presentation. The weekly worship service is available to watch at any time on Facebook Live. There is both English and Spanish used in the power point presentation. The people who gather for worship are diverse. The congregation has long held diversity as a strength.
3. Holy Communion is celebrated each week. All are welcome at the Lord's Table. All can commune including preschoolers. People come forward by the center aisle and receive the meal continuously.
4. There is a Children's Sermon each week. The children then can go out for a Sunday School lesson in the adjoining room. They return to receive Holy Communion. The children also carry tin buckets up the center aisle and receive a "Noisy Offering" each week. People toss their coins (and bills) loudly into the buckets, thus the noise! Regular offering plates are passed after that.
5. The building is very accessible. There are no steps from the 2 Handicapped Parking Spaces right up to the chancel steps.
6. There is adequate off-street parking as well as
on-street parallel parking in front of the church
and on Luzerne Street.
Christ Lutheran Church is a group of people committed to becoming disciples of Christ within our community and beyond.
Everyone is welcome. Todos son bienvenidos.
Are you passionate about becoming a disciple of Christ? Let us know! We are always looking for volunteers to help us make our vision a reality. We'll help you find a way to volunteer that best suits you. We're excited to have you join the team!
Whether you help through monetary donations, volunteering your time, or spreading our mission through word-of-mouth, thank you. We couldn't accomplish our goals without the help of supporters like you.