Food Pantry Jan 13th 9am
Welcome to Christ Lutheran Church All are welcome.
1301 Luzerne St
Reading, Pennsylvania 19601
Come worship with us on
Sunday's at 11:00.
Food Pantry Jan 13th 9am
1301 Luzerne St
Reading, Pennsylvania 19601
Come worship with us on
Sunday's at 11:00.
*Sun. Jan.19th After Worship Fun with PB 1-4pm at Allegheny Church. This is for 5th Grade students and up. Lunch at McDonalds on Lancaster Ave. Please RSVP to PB
*Jan. 20th 2025 Martin Luther King JR. Day of Prayer And Service. Transportation from CLC at 9:20am please speak with Pastor Bruce
* Congregation Unanimously approved the Pretzel City Covenant and Budget. Feb.1 Pretzel City Parish will begin
*Thurs Feb.13th After School Program 4-6pm
*Wed. Feb.19th 6261 Pretzel City Parish Potluck Supper and Worship here at CLC with Special Guest Bishop DeForest preaching
If you are willing to bring a dish to share please let Pastor Bruce or Tanya K. know what you are bringing.
We at Christ Lutheran are still accepting
Personal Care Kits
We are dedicated to improving the lives of those in our community.
Your contribution today helps us make a difference.